Cuddling By The Beach

Tiffany, an interior designer, was very hands-on on her engagement session. She styled this photo by the beach with a couch – an elegant touch to the beach I must say. It was ideally placed to feature the changing skies as the background. I love how they looked comfortable and cozy as they cuddle – makes you feel warm and fuzzy (here goes the hopeless romantic in me). The photographer, Ryan Carey, captured not only the couple’s sweetness but also the sun setting. Read on to get some details on this shoot from the couple.

Bowman & Denny (9)

From Tiffany:

Stephen Randall, my other half. If you haven’t met him, he is a man of dignity, quiet at times but absolutely full of life. He is a man of faith, super loyal, and is more fun than anyone I have ever known and most importantly, he loves unconditionally – without bounds. What they say is true…it was worth the wait. God had the ABSOLUTE PERFECT man in mind for me. One that compliments me, supports me, spoils me, teases me, encourages me, comforts me and best of all, loves me – and every part of me. I could not be more grateful for the love we share and the life we are going to build together. Cheers to forever with my favorite guy!

Bowman & Denny (22)

From Stephen:

Tiffany and I met like many other couples – a chance meeting with mutual friends. We were able to spend an entire long weekend together scalloping, socializing, and fraternizing with friends. The weekend came to an end too quickly, which led to our first date. Skipping work and going to the beach – Tiffany and I quickly became inseparable. We have grown in love and are so excited to get to spend the rest of our lives growing together!!



 Photographer: Earthmuse Photography

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